What you should know before starting a new workout routine

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It’s a new year, you’re excited and you are ready to start taking care of your health and start working out. But wait, there are a few things that you should know before starting a new workout routine! Just because your friend Ashley can do 15 push ups in a row and run a mile under 5 minutes doesn’t mean that her workout routine is suitable for you. Find a routine that works for you and your fitness level, one that interests you and one that aligns with your goals. You also have to take into account that fitness is a lifelong journey! Everyone started somewhere and even if you don’t see results after a month of consistent working out, keep pushing and you will see results in the long run.

  1. Start slow

    If you’ve been inactive or sedentary for a while, don’t start off your fitness journey scheduling 6 workouts in a week. Start by implementing 2 workouts a week so your body has a chance to get used to exercising, and this will give you adequate time to rest and recover as well. But just because you are starting with 2 workouts doesn’t mean that the other 5 days of the week should be inactive. Try and move everyday, even if it means taking the dog out for a walk for 15 minutes a day, or going for a short hike. Make it a point to be active everyday to start building the new habit.

  2. Invest in workout gear

    Look good feel good right? Invest in a cute workout outfit that is comfortable for you! Make sure that you find a sports bra that provides you with good support and allows you to move around comfortably, tank tops that don’t feel restrictive, and some quick drying leggings or shorts. Also, don’t forget about footwear! There are different types of shoes for different types of workouts, but if you are just starting out, a pair of supportive, comfortable athletic shoes will work just fine for you. You can consult sales associates when shopping to see which pair is the most suitable for you and the workout type that you are doing.

  3. Start with the foundational basics

    Remember that you need to be able to perform all the foundational basic movements first before you go all in. If strength training is the exercise that you have chosen, make sure that you can perform all the primary basic movements (bend and lift, single-leg movements, pushing, pulling and rotational) with bodyweight exercises before you progress to adding weights to your workouts.

    Your workouts should feel challenging, but not to the point of exhaustion and leaving you feeling defeated. Many fitness apps and fitness classes offer beginner level workouts to slowly ease you into working out.

  4. Consider working with a personal trainer

    Not all fitness programs will be suitable for you and that is totally okay! If you have the resources to do so, I highly suggest you to consider working with a personal trainer so that they can create a highly personalized program for you, show you how to correctly perform movements and give you the individualized guidance and support you need in order to be successful in your fitness journey. If you would like to work with me, you can visit this link here to schedule an initial consultation call!

Remember, everyone starts somewhere and working out is about making you feel good on the inside and to start developing healthier habits. Your fitness journey should be enjoyable, fun and most importantly, it is about YOU. Keep focusing on YOUR goals, and YOUR own journey. There is no need to compare your fitness routine with anyone else’s because we are all different!


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