Here are some squat tips!

Today I posted a video on Instagram about how to breathe correctly when squatting and I wanted to share it with my email subscribers too!

A lot of people don’t know how to breathe correctly and that can significantly impact their squat form and prevent them for fully gaining the benefits of the exercise.

Breathing into the diaphragm while squatting helps stabilize the core and maintain proper form. It increases intra-abdominal pressure, providing support to the spine and preventing lower back rounding. This technique promotes better stability, strength, and overall performance during the squat exercise.

Inhale when you lower down into the squat

Exhale as you come up from the squat

Before I learned how to breathe correctly, I would always wonder why it felt like my core wasn’t engaged and why my lower back would round out when I squatted. Breathing correctly is just as important as performing the exercise in good form! Make sure you practice your breathing!

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Do you know how to warm up before your ride?


Are you training your Core correctly?