5 tips to help maximize your workouts

I know. Your day to day life is hard enough when you have to juggle your job, your children (fur baby’s included), horses, riding, the barn, your home life, and on top of that fit time in for your workout! Here’s why I have 5 tips to maximize effectiveness of your workouts and become better athletes for you and your horse.


  1. Have your workout planned out and easily visible

    Having your workout for the day planned out and easily visible will help you stay motivated, as there is a clear plan of what exercises you need to do for the day, and how many reps and sets you need to complete. The biggest mistake many people make when first starting to workout is not having a plan. A lot of people quit working out in the first couple weeks because they simply don’t know what to do and have nothing to follow along with. When workouts are clearly laid out, this stops you from skipping out on some exercises and sets because you weren’t “feeling it” and it helps you push yourself harder. You could have your workouts written out on a notebook, on your laptop, on a whiteboard, or even better, on an app on your phone which you can easily pull up before you start exercising.

  2. Take your workouts to the barn

    You’ve been at work all day, have a riding lesson at 4pm, a dinner date at 8pm and have no time in between to go to the gym? Take your workout to the barn! The beauty about working out is that all that is required is your body. You don’t need any equipment, fancy workout clothes or heavy weights. Simply follow a bodyweight equipment free workout plan, and you can complete the exercises anywhere!

  3. Make the time, don’t find the time. Think about why this is important to you!

    Schedule your workouts in your calendar just like you would any other important appointment. Make it a priority and don’t make an excuse to get out of it. When you have the “find the time” mentality, you are 100% more likely to skip workouts and make excuses to not do them. Remember why working out is important to you; be it you want to be fitter for your horse, you’re preparing for the next show season, or simply because you want to be healthier. You make the time for things that are important to you, working out should not be an exception.

  4. Try and do your workouts after riding so you don’t get too tired while riding

    On the days where you workout and ride on the same day, aim to schedule your workouts after your riding session to prevent fatigue while on horseback. Just like any other sport, if you are training when you are tired, you won’t be able to perform at your highest level. On the days where you aren’t riding, do your workouts first thing in the morning! When you workout in the morning, you often feel more energized throughout the day and that extra boost of energy can help you tackle the rest of your day with greater ease!

  5. Always warm up and stretch after a workout

    We warm up our horses and we let them cool down after a training session, so why don’t we do the same for our bodies? Choose workout plans that include a warmup and a cool down to enhance effectiveness of your workout and to prevent injury. Warm ups prepares your body for exercise. The increase in blood flow allows your muscles to be oxygenated, increases body temperature and enhances your mental awareness, all of which are needed for the upcoming workout. When your body is warmed up properly, this allows you to perform exercises safely, and decreases the likelihood of sustaining an injury. But don’t forget about the cool down! Cool downs are equally important, as it helps prevent muscle cramps and slowly brings your breathing and heart rate down. An effective cool down stretch will help relax and lengthen your muscles, improving your range of motion, and improve your flexibility in and out of the saddle.


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